Have you heard the failure stories related to operation in new geographical areas of business giants whose product seems to be universal and well-adjusted to the needs of a consumer? New area of operation, especially if it concerns setting up a company on a new continent, like Africa or Asia, is always associated with different demands of clients and consumption patterns, new government rules, special cultural features and unknown network.

The agents and employees of Malveira Holding are internationally located, which allows us to have real perspective on local practices as well as develop the network of contacts to assist you in exporting (and often adapting) your product or service to the needs of the clientele of this specific area.

More precisely, we can help you in exporting your business to the following areas:



West Africa (Togo, Ghana, Benin, Ivory Coast)

Caribbean region (Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia)


Contact us if you require business development services in other areas, we will make sure to find an adequate partner company or an agent in the required area.